Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1

Today made me just realized how blessed my life really is

+ I have great a great family
+ I have great friends
+ My BF has been wonderful
+ I have a job
+ My dog is ok (although still limping *poor thing*)
+ My car is running - after the accident a week ago (or maybe a year ago... that sounds better
+ I have a roof over my head with a snuggie to keep me warm

There are a lot more to be thankful for and I know I wont be able to get thru them unless I think about them but I am really just grateful for everything in my life right now. I need to remind myself of these simple things than stressing out about things that are temporary.


1. Bought lunch at work
2. Called Capital One and Citi to reverse fees - Need to call citi back. The fee hasnt been posted
3. Cancelled freecreditreport $14.99 added a month
4. Called furniture to get the remaining delivered that were missing
5. ***WORK: Cleaned up loans at work :) finally in the single digits

1. $1.59 - Coffee (used coins)
2. $20 - Donation


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