Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 4: Bargain Shopping

I was so excited yesterday bargain shopping. I was able to spend under $60 bucks and got myself 4 shirts, a pair of flats and a purse! I think I am good at setting the budget at around $50 every two weeks for shopping.

I did my taxes this year. Hopefully I didnt mess anything up. I will be receiving a refund of about $1300. Now that I am revisiting my debts for the next month, it looks like I will be able to pay off all the credit cards especially BML ($812.53) and the concert tickets I bought for $115 and have $373 left to either snowball or go shopping. Yes, I know SNOWBALL it is.

I will only be worrying about a couple of debts this year and I am excited.

1. Personal Loan ($8618.81) $250/mo
2. Student Loan ($13002.62) $100/mo
3. Rent $450/mo
4. Cell Phone $260/mo **need to look into lowering this Family Plan
5. Car Insurance $100/mo

TOTAL: $1160/mo

I feel so relieved now that all my debts has been consolidated. The first few weeks of the month I thought I couldn't make it. It was overwhelming after moving out that I dont have any money left over days before the next check comes in. It scared me. At the end, all I needed to do was to just organize everything and try not to spend too much on food.

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