Friday, December 31, 2010

DEBT DIET 2011: January Goals

First is to learn how to start saying "NO". I need to be able to stick to this resolution. As a matter of fact let me list this clearly on what my things to do are for DEBT DIET 2011.

Pay off debt - I want to be able to pay $5000 worth of CC debt this year and at least $3000 for Student Loans (BREAKDOWN: $300 bi-weekly)
* How I will do this? (1)Budget (2)Snowball (3)Get a 2nd job
* Motivation? Ill be able to spend the money instead of handing it off to credit card companies
* Other options? Consolidate Debt. Get a loan. Sell things on EBAY

1. Pay $500 off Credit Card Bills
2. Try to eat in everyday - be able to splurge 1-2 a week (ie. Eat Out/Happy Hour)
3. Snowball Debt - Return purchases total $300
4. Read a book or two
5. Learn how to cook something new

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