Monday, March 9, 2009

The madness begins...

Good: Hurray! I just paid off two CC totaling $1100.

Bad: I just got the notice in the mail that Capital One will be increasing my APR from 10.4% to some ridiculous amount (20 point something %). (1) I never had a late payment for the past 5 or more years that that account was in existence. (2) That account never really had a balance more than 50%. I don’t want to close that account at all because that was the longest CC I’ve had that’s still open. Now I gotta pay that off before my rate increases.

Plus, I found out about my increase AFTER reading this article on MSN Money.

Good: I started my Spring Cleaning. I got a new full mattress and rearranged my whole bedroom completely.

Bad: I shouldn’t have done this… I tallied up how much I spend this past weekend cleaning up and reorganizing my bedroom. I gave target around $300 with taxes for all these...

Bed in a Bag $54.99

Window Panels $19.99 (x2) plus Window Sheer $14.99 and a Window Rod $16.99

Book Case $79.99 (x2)

Not bad, but I keep thinking I should’ve paid down another CC with that. Well I’m just glad I didn’t use a CC for those purchases.

Good: I can’t wait for NYC by the end of April. I would tally up what I have spent for the Flight (FREE btw) Hotel and Wicked Tickets, but I figured they’re not part of the budget anymore since they’re all paid. Oh, and I also have saved up almost $400 for the trip. Yay!

Bad: One of my friend is bailing out on the trip and shelled out $258.10. Another thing that’s gonna get taken out from my checking. Bah!

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