Friday, December 31, 2010

DEBT DIET 2011: January Goals

First is to learn how to start saying "NO". I need to be able to stick to this resolution. As a matter of fact let me list this clearly on what my things to do are for DEBT DIET 2011.

Pay off debt - I want to be able to pay $5000 worth of CC debt this year and at least $3000 for Student Loans (BREAKDOWN: $300 bi-weekly)
* How I will do this? (1)Budget (2)Snowball (3)Get a 2nd job
* Motivation? Ill be able to spend the money instead of handing it off to credit card companies
* Other options? Consolidate Debt. Get a loan. Sell things on EBAY

1. Pay $500 off Credit Card Bills
2. Try to eat in everyday - be able to splurge 1-2 a week (ie. Eat Out/Happy Hour)
3. Snowball Debt - Return purchases total $300
4. Read a book or two
5. Learn how to cook something new

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Recap and Plans

New year, new me. Man how many times have I said that to myself. Looking back, 2010 was a blessing. To recap:

Jan 2010 - C and I started talking... great start
Feb 2010 - Forgot, but ill get back to this
Mar 2010 - Colorado *Travel #1
Apr 2010 - Hiking
May 2010 - Bahamas. Montreal. Nova Scotia *Travel 2,3,4
Jun 2010 - Orlando. Vegas. Toronto *Travel 5,6
Jul 2010 - North Carolina. All Star Run. New Phone *Travel 7
Aug 2010 - John Legend. Dirty Heads (OC Fair). Quit Work
Sep 2010 - North Carolina. NEW JOB. Moved to San Diego.
Oct 2010 - IN TOWN :)
Nov 2010 - New England. Thanksgiving with the Fam *Travel 8
Dec 2010 - Christmas :)

So this is where we end and where I start off with bills. My car is already paid for, however, I moved out. I still need to figure out a budget that will work for me. So far it will start off as

Savings $100
Rent $450
CC/Loans $300 - 400
Phone $260*

TOTAL: $1210

At that rate with CC I will pay it off in 22423.05/300 = 74months or 6-7 years. Not going to happen. My goal will be paying off the CC in 2 years MAX. Agressively paying at $420/mo. NOT gonna happen at this time. My plans for now are... paying off the smaller balances then snowballing for the month of January.

Ok im blabbing too much. For the week of Jan 1-13

Food $100
Gas $100
Eat once a day at home
Use CASH only