Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 1: Harder than I thought

What a week - This was harder than I thought. I actually went out two times and spent about $30 the past week. However, I will be saving more with all my CC fees after I was able to get approved to consolidate and get a personal loan from my credit union. I am on the way to being debt free. I am so excited.

The debt that I will need to pay off before March are:
- Car insurance $850 (or at least $400)
- Collections $210
- Car Repairs $260

My budget for the incoming week will be:
- $100 (food/groceries/eat out)
- $50 gas
- $50 misc. - will either be to payoff things (snowball or shop - I havent decided yet)

OVERVIEW WEEK 1: No Spending

1. Brought lunch the whole week to work - yay!
2. Consolidated all CC debt with an 11% rate from the credit union (4 year payoff - or less please!)

1. $13 Hooters - Roomie Dinner
2. $15 Elephant Bar - HH
3. $3 Coffee throughout the week
4. $50 Gas
5. $260 Car Repair *** OUCH!


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